1739 Legal Services

Your Family's Health Matters


Healthcare Services

Do you have healthcare questions? Need non-emergency assistance? Because you’re a union member, you can get free access to basic forms of help.  

Family Assistance:

Mental Health Counseling:

Care is Available

Need a Procedure?

For Young People

Children’s access to health care is important to children themselves, to their families, as well as to society at large. Health care can influence children’s physical and emotional health, growth, and development and their capacity to reach their full potential as adults.


For Adults

We all benefit from improvements in public health. We are a more creative, vibrant, productive and democratic nation because of it. We are all at risk of illness, injury or poor health, and we all suffer when individuals are challenged by healthcare needs. 

Fully Trained Help Working For You

Fully-trained counselors will discuss your individual situation and offer advice and guidance that is personalized for your situation.   In pulvinar nulla turpis ac massa. Suspendisse potenti. Ut pharetra lorem eu magna elementum dignissim. Fusce commodo ornare pellentesque curabitur eget tempus nulla.

Help Working With The Judicial System

Philadelphia Lawyers for Social Equity offers trainings for volunteers and workshops about criminal records, expungements and pardons, and related issues like employment rights, voting rights, housing and credit. These trainings can be requested for community organizations and service providers.