Registering To Vote
To vote in Pennsylvania, you must first register to vote at least 15 days before the election. You can register to vote online, by mail, or at a number of government agencies, including Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Photo License and
Driver’s License Centers. To learn more click here. The last day to register to vote is October 29, 2024. In Pennsylvania, you can request a mail-in ballot now.
Delaware, will offer early voting at designated sites for 10 days before general, primary, and special elections. The final days of Early Voting are scheduled for Saturday and Sunday just before the election date. Early voting sites and dates are now available on the Department of Elections website. Registration deadlines: By Mail: Saturday October 12, 2024 (postmarked). In person: Saturday, October 12th, 2024. Online: Saturday, October 12, 2024 Get registered.
New Jersey has three ways to vote: Vote-by-mail | Early voting | Vote at your polling place on Election Day, November 4th. Learn more here.
Key Calendar dates for New Jersey Voters:
October 15
Voter Registration Deadline for General Election
October 15
Mandated Evening Voter Registration Available for General Election in Offices of County
Commissioners of Registration
October 23
Mailing of Sample Ballots for General Election
October 26 – November 3
Early Voting Period
October 29
Deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot by Mail for General Election
November 1
Deadline for Application to Receive General Election Mail-In Ballots by Electronic Means
for Qualified Overseas Civilian and Military Voters
November 4 – by 3:00 p.m.
Deadline for In-Person Mail-In Ballot Applications for General Election
November 5
General Election Day
November 5
Deadline for Post Office Receipt of Mail-In Ballots from the General Election
November 5
Deadline for In-Person Submission of General Election Mail-In Ballots to County Boards
of Election and to Authorized Ballot Drop Boxes
AFL-CIO Endorses Harris - Walz
Harris Fights For Economic Justice
Following a vote of its Executive Council, which represents 60 unions and 12.5 million workers, today the AFL-CIO unanimously endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president in the 2024 election.
“From day one, Vice President Kamala Harris has been a true partner in leading the most pro-labor administration in history,” said AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler. “At every step in her distinguished career in public office, she’s proven herself a principled and tenacious fighter for working people and a visionary leader we can count on. From taking on Wall Street and corporate greed to leading efforts to expand affordable child care and support vulnerable workers, she’s shown time and again that she’s on our side. With Kamala Harris in the White House, together we’ll continue to build on the powerful legacy of the Biden-Harris administration to create good union jobs, grow the labor movement and make our economy work for all of us.”
- Championed worker organizing and chaired the White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment
- Saved the pensions of more than 1 million union workers and retirees
- she championed for new worker organizing and training to create pathways to good union jobs
Minnesota Is Proud of Governor Tim Walz
Walz Takes New A Leadership Role
Tim Walz’s connection with AFSCME runs deep. Like Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, he has high regard for the union’s president, Lee Saunders, who for many years has chaired the political committee of the AFL-CIO, served on the Democratic National Committee, and built a reputation as a uniquely savvy and influential political strategist and policy advocate. A working-class intellectual who trained as a labor economist but has always maintained the enthusiasm of a grassroots organizer, Saunders sees organized labor in the context of broader movements—he’s long been active with the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a group he currently serves as treasurer—and progressive governance.
Don't let stress ruin your whole day
Curabitur quis suscipit dolor. Proin quam leo, placerat quis pretium nec, tempus a neque. Nullam ultrices orci et massa vestibulum, ut sodales nunc tempor. Nullam eu vehicula lectus. Nulla accumsan nunc mauris, sed ultricies nunc tincidunt ac. Vestibulum nec elit pretium, vestibulum orci ut, maximus urna. Maecenas suscipit ex eu sodales finibus. Aenean in faucibus dui, eget imperdiet metus. Donec laoreet enim non lorem condimentum, at sodales diam facilisis. Nullam at lacinia velit, id ornare neque. Vivamus sed sodales ipsum. Sed quam lectus, sagittis non efficitur lobortis, luctus et erat. Sed semper turpis iaculis, interdum orci quis, rutrum ipsum. Nam vitae consequat ante.
Aenean tempor nulla felis, ut volutpat est auctor sit amet. Nam viverra, justo quis tempor tristique, sem sem tempus ligula, nec consequat nunc tellus at lorem. Duis pretium, nulla a faucibus maximus, enim odio pharetra arcu, sed pulvinar elit sem at odio. Phasellus urna sem, euismod a blandit et, convallis in nisi.
Aenean sit amet dui vitae tellus congue malesuada quis hendrerit purus. Aliquam condimentum, elit eu varius feugiat, purus velit pulvinar mauris, id dignissim sapien neque eu orci. Duis in porttitor ligula, vitae accumsan est. Proin non metus in nibh porttitor eleifend vel sit amet erat.
Aenean aliquet, sem vel iaculis convallis, tellus est auctor est, nec sagittis augue ipsum ut lectus. Aenean nulla diam, malesuada sed dictum vitae, ullamcorper vitae massa. Nullam a eros rutrum, posuere mauris eget, ullamcorper urna. Morbi ut magna ac leo pulvinar semper ut vel lectus. Nulla ac efficitur ex, non viverra libero. Nam varius lorem quis purus finibus pharetra. Etiam vitae tristique tellus. Nam id dui nec massa pellentesque sagittis eget at metus. Phasellus eget diam nec erat gravida consequat sit amet cursus orci. Cras a nisi orci. Nunc laoreet viverra velit, sit amet porta tellus vehicula et. Aliquam imperdiet finibus convallis. Donec ultrices sed magna eget euismod. Phasellus a dignissim mi, a bibendum dolor. Phasellus eu feugiat justo.
Dark moments make you strong
Proin gravida nisl at lectus eleifend, eu lobortis mauris luctus. Vestibulum faucibus convallis nunc. Nunc lobortis magna sit amet maximus tincidunt. In ut porttitor felis. Vestibulum lobortis eros at accumsan sollicitudin. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras imperdiet ut ex at interdum. Nulla blandit congue ultricies. Vivamus venenatis cursus turpis sed pretium. Aenean a mi faucibus, lobortis nulla vel, condimentum mauris. Proin facilisis nec dolor ac molestie.
Morbi et volutpat quam, et tincidunt risus. Fusce non efficitur quam. Donec elit purus, mattis vitae purus eu, commodo consectetur felis. Sed ut interdum velit. Vestibulum est ligula, euismod eu euismod vel, interdum tincidunt ipsum. In tristique blandit porta. Pellentesque sit amet consequat urna. Quisque et augue ac nunc tempus venenatis non et ante.
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